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Eastside 10K Cheer Squad

Sun, Sep 24


Main St and Alexander St

Come out and cheer on your teammates, friends or family. There will be a big squad of us, so it'll be a blast.

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Eastside 10K Cheer Squad
Eastside 10K Cheer Squad

Time & Location

Sep 24, 2023, 8:15 AM

Main St and Alexander St, Main St & Alexander St, Vancouver, BC V6A 2S5, Canada

About the Event

We have a bunch of members that are running the Eastside 10K. So let's go and cheer them on! It's going to be a blast. 

If you're running, your friends and family are more than welcome to join us.

Cheer Squad Theme:

Let's wear Neon so our crew can see us!

Don't have Neon? You can buy an SRC Neon shirt in our store. Neon isn't required but strongly encouraged. Check out our Neon Run for ideas

Cheer Squad Location:

We'll only have one spot to cheer on. It is on the corner of Main St and Alexander St. Please come through Gastown NOT down Main St. Because it is residential area, please do not bring noise makers, we want to be respectful of the locals. However, signs with "Loud Noises" and "RAAAWWWRRR" on it are encouraged! 

We have an Eastside 10K whatsapp chat, so we can all coordinate.

East Side 10K Course Map

Here is a schedule:

8:15am - Be at cheer location

8:30am - Eastside 10K Starts

Currently, there isn't a brunch being organized, but if you want to step up, send me a message and we can chat about it

Get excited :D


  • Cheer Squad

    I'm coming to cheer them on!

    Sale ended
  • Running

    Dammit Geoff, I can't cheer cause I'm running

    Sale ended



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